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  1. 259 votes

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  2. Privacy option to disable disclosure of online presence

    I would like options to control all the possible ways that my online presence can be disclosed by Mattermost, including:

    1) any kind of online status indication

    2) any kind of idle/away status indication (not sure if this exists today)

    3) the indication to others that I am typing

    Sometimes, users prefer to lurk... that means not revealing any kind of online presence.

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  3. mute individual users

    As a user, I would like to be able to ignore the postings from other users. I would like to individually select which users I want to ignore. It should be easy to add/remove users from my ignore list.

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  4. Data Protection from new users

    As an administrator, I would like to be able to add new users that cannot read what had been written before they joined.

    This somewhat special request has the purpose to ensure privacy to users that already are subscribed. It should be asserted that their statements stay confidential among the scope of users that could read them when they wrote it.

    I guess that's not possible yet, is it?

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  5. Off The Record messaging

    Implement off-the-record messaging (

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  6. Read Receipts: Implement a visual indication for messages if and when they have been read by other users of the channel

    Sometimes one's wondering if a post has already been read by other users. I could image that a member list of the channel pops up when one is selecting the read status from the particular post menu ("[..]").
    In private chats, a sinple check sign (similar to whatsapp) could signalize if a message had beend read by your counterpart.

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  7. should implement an admin interface to the System Console to make the server auto update to the latest MM release

    It would be great to make admins life easier to develop an auto admin function to Mattermost that on click downloads, installs and updates the given installation, so the admin doesn't need terminal or root access anymore. Especially renewing the config (put the existing entries in the new/extended config) would be helpful.

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  8. extend the "Manage Members" console to delete and configure a users profile

    In some cases it could happen that a profile is broken or an administrator wants to completely remove a user from the system. (one example could be that an account was hacked an the system was fully spammed with senseless messages. Another example could be a test user and its messages).
    An administrator should therefore be able to completely remove all arrears of such a users from the system. Furthermore he should be able to manage a user Profile to be able to disable notifications as an attendee or insert Profile Pictures to accounts.

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  9. make private chats able to authorize users based on ldap groups

    In corporate Environments often closed discussions take place between persons whose users already exist within predefined ldap groups. For Mattermost it would make sense to authorize users for private channels using such existing ldap groups.

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  10. make administrators get a notification when new channels were created

    When users create new channels, there currently seems to be no notification emails send to administrators neither when a new channel is added nor who this channel added. This prevents administrators from being informed proactively about misbehaviours of users (i.e. if users create non corporate/private information exchanges on the system). A moderator feature would be very appreciated to help the IT securing itself and not having to explain the CEO why there is a public channel for exchanging illegal content, for example.

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  11. make administrators able to look into private chats

    In corporate environments it is sometimes necessary on legal grounds to check an employees communication. Usually the management asks the IT therefor to deliver ones communication. Currently an administrator is neither able to view the existing private chats from any user nor is there an export function to extract all users content from the database

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  12. Ability to export all of a specific user's content when required for compliance


    In corporate environments it is sometimes necessary on legal grounds to check an employees communication. Usually the management asks the IT therefor to deliver ones communication. Currently an administrator is neither able to view the existing private chats from any user nor is there an export function to extract all users content from the database

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  13. make an admin be able to differ between inactive and disabled users

    The problem of the current situation is, that an administrator yet is only able to set an user account status to "inactive". This means more a disabling of the user, because the user is in no longer able to log in. In fact, he is locked out.
    It would be more appropriate to rename the status "inactive" to "disabled".

    A new status "inactive" should be introduced where a user is in fact using the featureset of a "team edition". No license is acuired for this user and he doesn't get any push notifications anymore until he logs in again. By…

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  14. Adding the posting user to the post markup, to enable filtering

    posted in, was told to post it here instead:

    I've been playing with mattermost a bit and noticed that posts are not currently marked as having been posted by a specific user - the only element inside a post that identifies the poster is the UserProfile component deep inside the post component tree, so it would be very nice if a component tagged its top with a class like "post__wrapper " for easy chat log filtering: some things that this would unlock:

    • hard/soft ignore lists
    • hard/soft 'never miss...' lists
    • hiding everyone-but-X posts to find information in the backlog
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  15. Secure direct messages using TextSecure/Axolotl algorithms

    Secure direct messages (and may be messages in private groups) using TextSecure/Axolotl algorithms. Unlike OTR protocol this will enable sending secure offline messages. I think TextSecure library could be used

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  16. add support for syslog output

    It's a pain to deal with many scattered logfiles, so syslog support would be a welcome alternative.
    The only extra configuration despite enabling, and the loglevel should be the syslog facility.

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  17. System Admin should be able to force displaying of users real name (prename and surname! not nickname or username!)

    In some environments it would be very usefull for the participants to be able to clearly identify a user. This is not necessarily the case, if nicknames (or even usernames) can be choosed by the users themself to be displayed in Mattermost channels.
    Therefore an administrator should be able to force the displayed name to display the prename and surname within the chat history window to minimize an users anonymity. This may be also related to a forced disclosure of prename and surname during the registration process.

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  18. way to turn off emoticons?

    from, Skype etc. allow you to turn off emoticons, so that you get the raw text input instead of the converted smiley face. Not everyone appreciates chat filled with emoji, so it'd be a nice feature to have emoticon rendering a setting people can turn on or off (note that this is about MM-conversion of one an ASCII sequence into an emoticon. If someone types an actual unicode emoji, then that's what they intended to type. But if someone types a colon, a dash, and a closing parenthesis, they did not type a smiley icon, and not everyone…

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  19. allow per-user settings for showing links inline or not, ideally per content type

    from, While it can be nice to have links to images, youtube videos, etc. that display inline autoexpand to the media that they link to, it would be extremely useful to have a way to turn that off, so that you just get a link instead of losing a massive amount of chat because of the inline media block.

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  20. improve profile images by offering arbitrary size with cropping/centering

    from, Currently you have to click a button in order to select and image, and it has to be a rectangular image already. Instead, it makes sense to do things more like twitter or flickr, where you can either click-to-browse or just drag-and-drop an image onto the UI, and then the UI gives you the option to crop and scale, so you can pick any image and then just select the rectangular subsection you want to have act as your profile picture.

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